So it's been a while since I've written. I have been lazy about keeping up with this. This month on the 9th will make a whole year since I did the big chop. As you can see from the profile picture.....there has been growth. I took that picture at 10 months. My life has been in somewhat of a whirlwind. I have found the most amazing man......YEEEEEEEAH........I've decided to resume my business (massage and spa) with the addition of jewelry and candles (as soon as I can figure out the making process). I have learned some very inspiring and powerful meditation techniques, thanks to my boo. I am in a much better place now, mentally, spiritually and emotionally (working on the physical). Learning to love me, flaws and all. This is a new year and I'm letting go of all the ick from the past ones. Trying new things. Right now my new things I wanna do are----get a tattoo (very first), get acupuncture, I've already tried sushi (the cooked kind) at this great place called HIMITSU in Auburn, Washington. You should check it out if you are in the area. I'm slowly learning to not apply logic to illogical situations, makes life much easier.
I found out a disturbing bit of info today. Someone I would have thought was fairly trustworthy is.......2-faced as the day is long.......I don't normally put much past most people but this individual would seem fairly genuine especially in the arena of the situation at hand. Just goes to show, sometimes a snake can be a chameleon too.